Latest news 20/03/2025 at 4:23 pm
From March 15 to 19, 2025, the Research and Training Center for Community Development (RTCCD) organized the WISC-IV Test Training Program to aid in evaluating the effectiveness of the Early Journey of Life (EJOL) model for staff and researchers at the center. The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, 4th edition (abbreviated as WISC-IV, adapted by […]
1/02/2016 at 3:32 pm
Announcement: 2016 Lunar New Year Holiday Schedule
We wish you a happy lunar new year. RTCCD announces the schedule for 2016 holiday.
1/02/2016 at 1:26 pm
The seminar “Social work in health care”
The specializing knowledge about human behaviour research, advocacy and counsel for women and children who are the victims of domestic violence; depression counselling and case management of children who are diagnoised with mental disorders were shared in this seminar.
31/01/2016 at 2:53 pm
HealthRight International visited Learning clubs for women’s health and infant development in Ha Nam Province
New York University’s master students who are members of HealthRight International had chances to participate in lessons with the aim to guide parents on how to care and foster their children from 0 to 24 months old; and home visiting active members of Learning Clubs to have a realistic view about project’s activities.
6/01/2016 at 12:20 am
RTCCD supports to implement the Amended Health Insurance Law 2014
RTCCD/EBHPD held a Conference of “Household Health Insurance and Commune Authorities implement the Amended Health Insurance Law 2014” to sum up outcomes, answer the public and media’s questions and find solutions for remaining problems after one year conducting researches and peers counseling activities for implementing the Amended Health Insurance Law 2014.
14/12/2015 at 1:20 pm
EBHPD: Two years of Achievement
On December 10th, 2015, The Evidence- based Health policy development advocacy Coaliation (EBHPD) held a Conference to sum up all the activitivities in the first term (2014-2015), marked as two-year path of being officially put in operation in Vietnam.