- RTCCD | Trung tâm Nghiên cứu và Đào tạo Phát triển Cộng đồng - https://rtccd.org.vn/en/ -

Training of Trainers on “An integrated Photovoice and Psychological First Aid Program Among Vulnerable Adolescents”

From June 20th – 23rd, 2022, RTCCD collaborated with the Child Protection & Care Department of Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA) and HealthRight International to organized a Training of trainers on “An Integrated Photovoice and Psychological First Aid Program Among Vulnerable Adolescents.” Twenty seven particpants from the Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs and Social Work Centers of Lang Son, Lai Chau, Son La and Quang Ninh provinces, Hanoi National University of Education, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, National Child Helpline 111, Center for Women and Development, local and international NGOs including Vietnam International SOS, Pacific Links Foundation and RTCCD participated in a training course on using and integration of Psychosocial First Aid techniques and research methods Photovoice.

The Psychosocial first aid (PFA) is recommended for field workers by the World Health Organization to provide initial supports for victims of natural disasters, emergency events and human trafficking. The PFA can be conducted by non-professional staff in psychology or psychiatry.

Photovoice is a participatory action research methodology. Photovoice is an effective tool to ignite interest about important topics that are relevant within a community and allows a community to express themselves through photography.

The aims of the training course is to build a core group of trainers who understand and can apply psychological first aid techniques and Photovoice in the Vietnamese context. After the training course, the trainers are able to deliver PFA and Photovoice techniques to social workers and para-social workers at the community level.

During the training course, the facilitators and participants also discussed on action plan to implement a pilot project integrating PFA and Photovoice in their provinces. The pilot project is expected to be implemented in the second half of 2022.

Here are some pictures from the training course:

Toàn cảnh lớp tập huấn [1]

A snapshot of the training course

Bà Châu Minh Anh, đại diện Cục Trẻ em- Bộ Lao động Thương binh và Xã hội [2]

Mrs. Châu Minh Anh, Representative the Child Protection & Care Department (MOLISA) gave opening speech at the training

ThS. BS. Phạm Thị Bích Hà, Giáng viên lớp tập huấn [3]

Dr. Pham Bich Ha from RTCCD- one of trainers

Thảo luận nhóm [4]

Group discussion

Thảo luận nhóm [5]

Group discussions

Thảo luận nhóm [6]

Group discussions

anh 2 [7]

Role playing activities

Bài tập tình huống [8]

Role playing activities

Học viên đại diện nhóm trình bày [9]

Group work reflection

Ảnh chụp lưu niệm toàn bộ học viên và giảng viên [10]

Group photo of training’s facilitators and participants