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Schemas Training held at Green Pine Clinic

On October 27, 2015, international consultant and qualified trainer Jacqueline Harter has provided a first-hand intensive training on early maladaptive schemas and Schemas Therapy to psychologist and psychiatrist of the Green Pine Clinic, Research and Training Center for Community Development (RTCCD).


Giới thiệu về Schemas [1]

Green Pine Clinic’s staffs attended Schema training course


In cognitive psychology, Schemas is an organized pattern of thought and behavior which is harmful for oneself. This psychological state has been consolidating from childhood and re-occur constantly in life stages.

In Schema Therapy, the training presented psychological theories mainly focused on the significance of early childhood development and how negative environmental elements (toxic stress) badly affect a child mentally and emotionally in long term. Jacqueline Harter’s therapy had based on the interrelation between early maladaptive schemas, attachment theory, and anxiety and avoidance in both childhood and adulthood. Schema Therapy is a self-assessment and educational tool. Also it is a safe and non-judgmental way to explore, identify, clarify, evaluate and modify social, emotional, behavioral and cognitive schemas at interpersonal and intrapersonal levels and the awareness of their interrelationship.

Such method objectives are to enhance socio-emotional literacy; promote emotional regulation and resilience; promote help-seeking behavior and self-care and so forth. The significant feature in this therapy is to offer to client self-empowerment and validation.


Bác sĩ thực hành cùng Schemas [2]

Clinic’s psychologist practiced using Schema therapy


Recently, Jacqueline Harter and researchers from Spain have successfully invented an electronic application of Schemas Therapy named SCHEmapp which can be used on tablet. SCHEmapp has proven itself an user-friendly and handy psychological application when it helps client identify needs, drive action plan, monitor and evaluate progress. SCHEmapp can support in identifying recurrent issues across a cohort targeting psychosocial interventions during pre and post assessment. Using SCHEmapp is a way to help clients release reduces cumulative emotional stress and understand thoroughly their innermost feelings.

This inventive method will be soon employed to treat clients of the Green Pine Clinic and expected to give psychologists and clients new method for treating mental disorders in Vietnam.


Bác sĩ tâm lý Jacqueline Harter [3] Few words about SCHEmapp’s author: Jacqueline Harter (BA Psychology and Addiction Studies) is a consultant in Social and Emotional Wellbeing and a qualified trainer as well. She has 15 years of experience in community services and development in the role of Case Manager and Program Manager. She basically works with homelessness, early year development, and youth at risk, family breakdown, family and domestic violence, mental health and substance use, school participation and disability. Jacqueline Harter is an expert consultant and trainer in Australia, Indonesia and France