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RTCCD Engages with 250 Trade Union Presidents on Positive Communication with Children

Invited by the Trade Union Federation of Ha Nam Province, Ms. Tran Thi Thu Ha, Director of RTCCD and the visionary behind the Early Journey of Life program, which specializes in equipping parents with positive parenting skills, led a dynamic 90-minute session with over 250 trade union presidents representing various sectors including factories, enterprises, agencies, and offices in Binh Luc district of Ha Nam province. The focus of the discussion revolved around fostering positive communication with children.

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The conversation delved deep into identifying and addressing the underlying causes of conflicts and tensions often experienced between parents and their children, with a keen emphasis on prevention strategies. Ms. Ha provided invaluable insights into the developmental psychology of children, offering practical advice on how parents can effectively moderate their words and actions, underscoring the paramount importance of expressing love and nurturing positive behaviors towards their children.

As the sharing session drew to a close, several delegates voiced their reflections:

“I am committed to no longer bringing ‘garbage’ home, refraining from carrying external stress and frustration into my household and inadvertently impacting my children. My focus will be on nurturing my child with love, not negativity.”

“Today I will remember this forever: to raise a child grow up in happiness, parents need to do two things. One is to frequently express love and demonstrate loving behaviors towards the child. Two is to always talk to the child with a smiling face. I will try to implement this immediately with my child.”

“I have gained invaluable wisdom from the stories shared. I am determined to manage my emotions and refrain from venting them onto my child. My child is my cherished partner in life, not a possession. I am committed to treating them with unwavering love and respect.”

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This program aspires to empower parents in Ha Nam Province with the tools and mindset needed to foster environments of love, tenderness, and encouragement for their children, ultimately enriching the lives of many young individuals within the community.

#EJOL  #HanhTrinhDauDoi