- RTCCD | Trung tâm Nghiên cứu và Đào tạo Phát triển Cộng đồng - https://rtccd.org.vn/en/ -

Policy Support for Infant and Young Child Feeding in Vietnam

With regard to malnutrition control in the last two decades, the main focus has been on providing children with adequate levels of food and qualified food as until the early 1990s there has been still 58% of households in Vietnam living under the poverty line (cannot acquire 2100 cal/person/day)1. However, Vietnam has been moving towards becoming a developing country over the last 20 years. The country has shifted from being a rice-imported country in the 1980s to the second largest exporter of rice in the mid 1990s and currently a recognized exporter of many food products. Malnutrition has decreased, however obesity rates are increasing more populous cities and rates of stunted children are not improving. This will influence the IYCF by adopting new approaches.

>>For more information [1]