- RTCCD | Trung tâm Nghiên cứu và Đào tạo Phát triển Cộng đồng - https://rtccd.org.vn/en/ -

Policy Brief “Assessment of Industrial Zone Workers on Preschool Facilities”

Policy brief 02_Eng_final_001 [1] Policy brief 02_Eng_final_002 [2] Policy brief 02_Eng_final_003 [3] Policy brief 02_Eng_final_004 [4] Policy brief 02_Eng_final_005 [5] Policy brief 02_Eng_final_006 [6] Policy brief 02_Eng_final_007 [7] Policy brief 02_Eng_final_008 [8]


Policy brief 2_Assessment of Industrial Zone Workers on Preschool Facilities [9]