12/11/2015 - 9:23 am
RTCCD and Tay Bac University signed agreement on cooperating to establish Community Physician major and assisting in training medical workforce in Northern mountainous region for 2015 to 2025.
From October 31st to November 1st, 2015, RTCCD’s director board along with two Swedish specialists had meetings with the Tay Bac University to discuss about the cooperation of establishing Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy and training assistance in period 2015- 2025.
In the plan of cooperative program for developing and training medical workforce in Northern mountainous region between RTCCD and Tay Bac University, the discussion focused on reaching the common unification of action plan and the cooperation between two agencies in establish Community Physician major in Vietnam.
On behalf of RTCCD, Dr. Tran Tuan, Director of RTCCD presented the advocacy process of opening new major and establishing Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy in near future. He also emphasized that “Community physician is a new major with locally specific characteristics therefore it needs an advocacy strategy based on scientific evidences and practices to persuade the related departments and international supports for opening this major. Tay Bac is also a specific location so if succeeds, it will be a source of training high qualified medical workforce for the whole region.”
Dr. Tran Viet Tiep – Director of Vietnam and Sweden Hospital of Uong Bi thought that “The establishment of Faculty of Medical and Pharmacy is necessary since there is no medical school in the region of Tay Bac. RTCCD’s point of view of opening community physician major is absolutely match with the University’s orientation and the demand of locally medical workforce. It will also addresses simultaneously issues of the current community health care system”.
“The idea of opening Community physicians major is a right orientation” said Dr, Leif Persson, Swedish specialist. “There are some countries carrying out successfully this model. The training process needs to be based on research and when putting it into practice, we need to identify the strengths or advantages of region, from that we can provide solutions to support people’s health care”.
RTCCD and Tay Bac University signed agreement on cooperation in the period 2015- 2025 with the witnesses of all participants
Two agencies affirmed to cooperate firmly to prepare establishment of new major and stimulate the advocacy of national and international supports for training and operating process of Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy at once. RTCCD will be responsible for drawing up plan of establishing the faculty of medicine and pharmacy; Schemes of opening new branch; training progamme; the list of staffs operating the faculty of medicine and pharmacy.
At the end of plan of work, Dr. Tran Tuan and Dr. Nguyen Van Bao, Director of Tay Bac University singed a cooperative agreement for 2015 to 2025.