18/07/2023 - 11:40 pm
Representatives of RTCCD Vietnam had a great time learning and sharing about non-communicable diseases (NCD) care and universal health coverage (UHC) at a conference happening from July 11 to July 13 in New York City. They provided locally informed inputs in preparation for the upcoming United Nations High-Level Meeting on UHC.
Representatives of RTCCD Vietnam had a great time learning and sharing about non-communicable diseases (NCD) care and universal health coverage (UHC) at a conference happening from July 11 to July 13 in New York City. They provided locally informed inputs in preparation for the upcoming United Nations High-Level Meeting on UHC.
The workshop was organized by NCDA under the initiative of NCD Advocacy Institute Accelerator Programme, an NCD Alliance multi-year programme that supports established national NCD alliances to conduct locally driven advocacy campaigns to accelerate NCD action.
The workshop focused on preparation for the second UN High-Level Meeting (HLM) on Universal Health Coverage taking place in September 2023. The event will provide participants with an opportunity to accelerate policy development and implementation, enabling the progressive achievement of UHC. This meeting also gives advocacy groups a chance to engage people living with NCDs in the conversation to keep UHC people-centered. The UN conference represents a global milestone for civil society actors as they call for the need to invest in and to accelerate prevention and control of NCDs action.
Ten NCD alliances from Cameroon, Mexico, Tanzania, Rwanda, Malawi, Ghana, Kenya, Vietnam, Malaysia, and India participated in the workshop. The organizations discussed the current state of NCD Care and Universal Health Coverage in their respective countries, shared experiences and best practices regarding NCDs and UHC, as well as strategized to coordinate efforts over the next months.
Workshop Objectives
The workshop focused on working towards the following objectives:
The workshop consisted of 8 sessions held in an interactive format with presentations by trainers, alliances, and invited guests, combined with guided discussions and other group exercises.
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DAY 1 (Tue, July 11, 2023)
Session 1: NCDs in the global agenda: progress, milestones, key opportunities
The session’s agenda:
Mrs. Cristna Parsons Perez, NCDA Capacity Development Director, discussed the global progress and milestones in addressing NCDs
Group discussions and report back: Reflections on progress at the national level and its alignment with regional and global agendas
Session 2: Navigating UN structure and processes
The session’s agenda:
Mrs. Marijke Kremin, NCDA Policy & Advocacy Manager, introduced the Global Governance of NCDs and discussed UN advocacy efforts including High-Level Meetings and recommendations for civil society engagement
Guided group discussions: Experience within UN mechanisms and processes, lessons learned, recommendations
NCD Malaysia General Secretary Mrs. Mandy Thoo talked about NCD Malaysia’s experience with the Sustainable Development Goals voluntary national review (SDG VNR) process
Session 3: Preparations for the UN High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage
The session’s agenda:
Two NCDA representatives, Policy & Advocacy Manager Marijke Kremin and Senior Capacity Development Officer Linda Senk Markova, discussed deep diving into the 2023 UNHLM on UHC, advocacy priorities, and engagement opportunities.
Group discussions:
Preparation for meetings with the permanent country missions to the UN
DAY 2 (Wed, July 12, 2023)
Session 4: Building partnerships for effectve UHC Advocacy
The session’s agenda:
Mrs. Amy Boldosser-Boesch is Senior Director and Practice Area Lead for Health Policy, Advocacy & Engagement and Integrated Health Care at Management Sciences for Health. Boldosser-Boesch presented about the Civil Society Engagement Mechanism (CSEM), discussed opportunities for national civil society, and talked about engagement up to date in the lead-up to the High-Level Meeting on UHC.
Guided plenary discussion: The importance of building coalitions for advancing UHC advocacy
Session 5: Prioritising NCD financing to deliver adequate UHC health services
The session’s agenda:
To begin the session, NCDA Policy & Advocacy Manager Mrs. Marijke Kremin discussed the global landscape of financing for NCDs and UHC and talked about related processes, updates, opportunities
Mr. Roy Small, Policy Specialist on Health and NCDs of UNDP, talked about UNDP work and engagement with national stakeholders in developing investment cases and recommendations to civil society
Guided panel discussions with national alliances: Two Ghana NCDA and Kenya NCDA representatives guided the discussion highlighting national advocacy efforts on NCD financing, engagement with national stakeholders, and foreseen opportunities at the national level.
Session 6: Strengthening prevention in the UHC health benefits packages
The session’s agenda:
Mrs. Jessica Amegee Quach, Capacity Development Officer of NCDA, to start the session with talking about Prevention within the UHC agenda
Mr. Maik Dünnbier, Health Specialist and Director of Strategy and Advocacy at Movendi International, discussed Movendi’s advocacy efforts to advance health promotion and NCD prevention, presented plans for engagement around the UN High-Level Political Forum and the Meeting on UHC, and shared recommendations for civil society
Guided plenary discussions, including a brief highlight from Mrs.Tran Thi Thu Ha, Director of RTCCD, Vietnam NCDA: Exploration of health promotion or prevention interventions gaining traction in countries, advocacy efforts towards UHC featuring health promotion and NCD prevention.
Session 7: Mental health in the UHC Agenda
The session’s agenda:
The session have a present of the Director of Policy, Advocacy and Financing at United for Global Mental Health, Mr. James Sale presented the United For Global Mental Health programme. He discussed its plans of work and engagement around the HLM on UHC
Guided group discussions and report back: Exploration of how mental health is featured/prioritised in different countries, discussion of NCD Alliances’ engagement with mental health groups at the national level, and of opportunities to strengthen these linkages
DAY 3 (Thur, July 13, 2023)
Session 8: Engage people living with NCDs to keep UHC people-centered
Panel discussion with NCD Alliances’ representatives: Significance of the WHO framework for the meaningful engagement, lessons learned from national and regional advocacy efforts.
Guided group discussions: Promoting and leveraging the WHO framework and NCDA Global Charter at the national level
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Final Discussion
Advocates shared their experiences, discussed outcomes, and built follow-up engagement plans during a one-hour debrief meeting with respective countries’ permanent missions to the UN.